Introduce the services that you offer. Select an icon from our extended library or use your own image.
Your 'Services' page may very well be one of the most important pages on your website. Your Services Page is where you bring your prospective clients from where they are today, to where they want to be. Highlight the benefits prospective clients can experience after using your company’s services. Appeal directly to your ideal client by addressing their problems or pain points and how your services can solve them.
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Positioning of Modules
Modules are arranged in a vertical stack, their positioning dictated by the numerical value assigned to each. A module assigned a higher numerical value will be positioned further down the page. Should modules share an identical order number, they will be organised alphabetically.
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Icon Cheat Sheet
Below are a list of the icons for the Products and Services modules.
- address-book
- f2b9
- address-card
- f2bb
- angry
- f556
- arrow-alt-circle-down
- f358
- arrow-alt-circle-left
- f359
- arrow-alt-circle-right
- f35a
- arrow-alt-circle-up
- f35b
- bell
- f0f3
- bell-slash
- f1f6
- bookmark
- f02e
- building
- f1ad
- calendar
- f133
- calendar-alt
- f073
- calendar-check
- f274
- calendar-minus
- f272
- calendar-plus
- f271
- calendar-times
- f273
- caret-square-down
- f150
- caret-square-left
- f191
- caret-square-right
- f152
- caret-square-up
- f151
- chart-bar
- f080
- check-circle
- f058
- check-square
- f14a
- circle
- f111
- clipboard
- f328
- clock
- f017
- clone
- f24d
- closed-captioning
- f20a
- compass
- f14e
- copy
- f0c5
- copyright
- f1f9
- credit-card
- f09d
- dizzy
- f567
- dot-circle
- f192
- edit
- f044
- envelope
- f0e0
- envelope-open
- f2b6
- eye
- f06e
- eye-slash
- f070
- file
- f15b
- file-alt
- f15c
- file-archive
- f1c6
- file-audio
- f1c7
- file-code
- f1c9
- file-excel
- f1c3
- file-image
- f1c5
- file-pdf
- f1c1
- file-powerpoint
- f1c4
- file-video
- f1c8
- file-word
- f1c2
- flag
- f024
- flushed
- f579
- folder
- f07b
- folder-open
- f07c
- frown
- f119
- frown-open
- f57a
- futbol
- f1e3
- gem
- f3a5
- grimace
- f57f
- grin
- f580
- grin-alt
- f581
- grin-beam
- f582
- grin-beam-sweat
- f583
- grin-hearts
- f584
- grin-squint
- f585
- grin-squint-tears
- f586
- grin-stars
- f587
- grin-tears
- f588
- grin-tongue
- f589
- grin-tongue-squint
- f58a
- grin-tongue-wink
- f58b
- grin-wink
- f58c
- hand-lizard
- f258
- hand-paper
- f256
- hand-peace
- f25b
- hand-point-down
- f0a7
- hand-point-left
- f0a5
- hand-point-right
- f0a4
- hand-point-up
- f0a6
- hand-pointer
- f25a
- hand-rock
- f255
- hand-scissors
- f257
- hand-spock
- f259
- handshake
- f2b5
- hdd
- f0a0
- heart
- f004
- hospital
- f0f8
- hourglass
- f254
- id-badge
- f2c1
- id-card
- f2c2
- image
- f03e
- images
- f302
- keyboard
- f11c
- kiss
- f596
- kiss-beam
- f597
- kiss-wink-heart
- f598
- laugh
- f599
- laugh-beam
- f59a
- laugh-squint
- f59b
- laugh-wink
- f59c
- lemon
- f094
- life-ring
- f1cd
- lightbulb
- f0eb
- list-alt
- f022
- map
- f279
- meh
- f11a
- meh-blank
- f5a4
- meh-rolling-eyes
- f5a5
- minus-square
- f146
- money-bill-alt
- f3d1
- moon
- f186
- newspaper
- f1ea
- object-group
- f247
- object-ungroup
- f248
- paper-plane
- f1d8
- pause-circle
- f28b
- play-circle
- f144
- plus-square
- f0fe
- question-circle
- f059
- registered
- f25d
- sad-cry
- f5b3
- sad-tear
- f5b4
- save
- f0c7
- share-square
- f14d
- smile
- f118
- smile-beam
- f5b8
- smile-wink
- f4da
- snowflake
- f2dc
- square
- f0c8
- star
- f005
- star-half
- f089
- sticky-note
- f249
- stop-circle
- f28d
- sun
- f185
- surprise
- f5c2
- thumbs-down
- f165
- thumbs-up
- f164
- times-circle
- f057
- tired
- f5c8
- trash-alt
- f2ed
- user
- f007
- user-circle
- f2bd
- window-close
- f410
- window-maximize
- f2d0
- window-minimize
- f2d1
- window-restore
- f2d2