List your products, along with an image, price, short description and email-to-order button.
There are many steps to e-commerce success, from high-quality products to a beautiful landing page, but one of the most important ingredients is a well-designed product page. Without this essential, even the hottest products will fail to sell.
Image or Icon
Products Name
Call to Action
Website or Email Link
No videos found with this tag.
Positioning of Modules
Modules are arranged in a vertical stack, their positioning dictated by the numerical value assigned to each. A module assigned a higher numerical value will be positioned further down the page. Should modules share an identical order number, they will be organised alphabetically.
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Icon Cheat Sheet
Below are a list of the icons for the Products and Services modules.
- address-book
- f2b9
- address-card
- f2bb
- angry
- f556
- arrow-alt-circle-down
- f358
- arrow-alt-circle-left
- f359
- arrow-alt-circle-right
- f35a
- arrow-alt-circle-up
- f35b
- bell
- f0f3
- bell-slash
- f1f6
- bookmark
- f02e
- building
- f1ad
- calendar
- f133
- calendar-alt
- f073
- calendar-check
- f274
- calendar-minus
- f272
- calendar-plus
- f271
- calendar-times
- f273
- caret-square-down
- f150
- caret-square-left
- f191
- caret-square-right
- f152
- caret-square-up
- f151
- chart-bar
- f080
- check-circle
- f058
- check-square
- f14a
- circle
- f111
- clipboard
- f328
- clock
- f017
- clone
- f24d
- closed-captioning
- f20a
- compass
- f14e
- copy
- f0c5
- copyright
- f1f9
- credit-card
- f09d
- dizzy
- f567
- dot-circle
- f192
- edit
- f044
- envelope
- f0e0
- envelope-open
- f2b6
- eye
- f06e
- eye-slash
- f070
- file
- f15b
- file-alt
- f15c
- file-archive
- f1c6
- file-audio
- f1c7
- file-code
- f1c9
- file-excel
- f1c3
- file-image
- f1c5
- file-pdf
- f1c1
- file-powerpoint
- f1c4
- file-video
- f1c8
- file-word
- f1c2
- flag
- f024
- flushed
- f579
- folder
- f07b
- folder-open
- f07c
- frown
- f119
- frown-open
- f57a
- futbol
- f1e3
- gem
- f3a5
- grimace
- f57f
- grin
- f580
- grin-alt
- f581
- grin-beam
- f582
- grin-beam-sweat
- f583
- grin-hearts
- f584
- grin-squint
- f585
- grin-squint-tears
- f586
- grin-stars
- f587
- grin-tears
- f588
- grin-tongue
- f589
- grin-tongue-squint
- f58a
- grin-tongue-wink
- f58b
- grin-wink
- f58c
- hand-lizard
- f258
- hand-paper
- f256
- hand-peace
- f25b
- hand-point-down
- f0a7
- hand-point-left
- f0a5
- hand-point-right
- f0a4
- hand-point-up
- f0a6
- hand-pointer
- f25a
- hand-rock
- f255
- hand-scissors
- f257
- hand-spock
- f259
- handshake
- f2b5
- hdd
- f0a0
- heart
- f004
- hospital
- f0f8
- hourglass
- f254
- id-badge
- f2c1
- id-card
- f2c2
- image
- f03e
- images
- f302
- keyboard
- f11c
- kiss
- f596
- kiss-beam
- f597
- kiss-wink-heart
- f598
- laugh
- f599
- laugh-beam
- f59a
- laugh-squint
- f59b
- laugh-wink
- f59c
- lemon
- f094
- life-ring
- f1cd
- lightbulb
- f0eb
- list-alt
- f022
- map
- f279
- meh
- f11a
- meh-blank
- f5a4
- meh-rolling-eyes
- f5a5
- minus-square
- f146
- money-bill-alt
- f3d1
- moon
- f186
- newspaper
- f1ea
- object-group
- f247
- object-ungroup
- f248
- paper-plane
- f1d8
- pause-circle
- f28b
- play-circle
- f144
- plus-square
- f0fe
- question-circle
- f059
- registered
- f25d
- sad-cry
- f5b3
- sad-tear
- f5b4
- save
- f0c7
- share-square
- f14d
- smile
- f118
- smile-beam
- f5b8
- smile-wink
- f4da
- snowflake
- f2dc
- square
- f0c8
- star
- f005
- star-half
- f089
- sticky-note
- f249
- stop-circle
- f28d
- sun
- f185
- surprise
- f5c2
- thumbs-down
- f165
- thumbs-up
- f164
- times-circle
- f057
- tired
- f5c8
- trash-alt
- f2ed
- user
- f007
- user-circle
- f2bd
- window-close
- f410
- window-maximize
- f2d0
- window-minimize
- f2d1
- window-restore
- f2d2