0.1 | 2023-08-01
- First beta release, on request by orangebrickdevelopment.co.za
0.2 | 2023-09-21
- Fix: Fix javascrip scrolling confliuct with gallery lightbox
0.3 | 2023-10-19
- Fix: broken the scroll when menu value is more than one word, thus includes a space.
0.4 | 2024-01-21
- Add: Playinline to video html.
0.5 | 2024-01-21
- Fix: Missing closing bracket in css media query
0.6 | 2024-01-21
- Fix: Video width
0.7 | 2024-02-07
- Feature | Add custom style section
0.8 | 2024-02-12
- Overhaul of HTML structure for better responsoive experience.
0.9 | 2024-02-12
- Remove old button
0.10 | 2024-06-04
- Fix: Add Scroll to custom module option